Home > Artworks > Angélica del Rocío Flores

Photo of Angélica del Rocío Flores Peru
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Peruvian plastic artist. His works are characterized by treating the emotions of the human being. The big heads and the lack of mouth in their characters, allow us to easily identify the style of his work. She is considered as a contemporary painter of naive art

Exhibitions carried out

  • 2017, "Nuevos Pintores del Perú"
  • 2017, "Visiones Nuevas"
  • 2016, "Salón de Pintura Peruana"
  • 2016, "30 Pintores Peruanos"

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Born on May 2, 1985. Angélica del Rocío Flores was linked to art since an early age. When she was 5 years old, entered to study ballet in at MUSEUM ART OF LIMA. Her inclinations by art led to other branches. It is so decided to study Direction of Graphic Arts and Advertising in the UNIVERSITY OF ART ORVAL, is here where the technology and art work together and started a way to the advertising world. 5 years after graduation, decided liven up one of her cherished dreams, her own brand art pieces ?TILDE A MANO?.

And in 2016, come exposures that will open the way to the internationalization. Having as prime, the AGUAFUERTE GALLERY in Mexico DF with the collective exposition ?THIRTY PAINTERS?. Following the exhibition at the PERUVIAN PAINTING HALL of the LATINO ART MUSEUM in California, in September of the same year.

Currently her work "Y es que me sentía muy sola" "And I felt very alone", belongs to the permanent collection of the LATINO ART MUSEUM.

The theme in her artworks is the silence. It was reflected in the absence of mouth the paintings?s character. This character have a big head because for the artist, the brain is the most important part of a human being.

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